American Legion Flag Etiquette Program
Post 95 belives that no one really wants to display the Flag of Our Great Nation improperly; they just have never been taught the proper Flag Etiquette. We visit the area school 4th and 5th grades each year with our Program. This 45 minutes plus program includes a video on the proper displaying of the American Flag; a lecture; and question and anwser period. It's not just for kids. Post 95 has presented this program to many adult groups too! The cost is free!! We do need your group to provide a VCR and TV for the video. All area groups, civic, church, etc. are encouraged to use this program.
If your group would like to schedule a flag etiquette program please contact the Flag Etiquette Chairperson: Mike Edwards

To find out more about flag etiquette and the history of the Stars and Stripes please read Our Flag this document presents illustrations and history of the Stars and Stripes and of other flags used in the United States from colonial times to the present. Includes customs, traditions, and ceremonies relating to the flag.
Note:You must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view Our Flag, it is free to download and use. You can download it from Adobe